23 December, 2009

Kabhi Kabhi

My husband usually comes a little late from office. Gets late as he takes all the escalation and client calls from the US. The journey from his office (Somajiguda) to our house (Sainikpuri) is half an hour but the famous traffic snarls make it pretty tiresome. Once he is back he usually sits at the local park (after-hours) with his childhood bum chums and boozes. But today he went to the park, met his chums but didn’t booze and came home.

He freshened himself up and went straight to the bar , just next to our bedroom. He had done the same yesterday. Then my MIL had asked why 2 glasses. He said “ek to dushman ke saath peete hain” and since he is at home therefore 2 glasses. Today when he came in with the glass in his hand, my MIL asked him why is he again with a glass, when he yesterday hadonce, to which he smiled and replied “main kabhi kabhi peeta hoon kal ek kabhi tha aur aaj ek kabhi hai” .

28 November, 2009

my toto

Master card

Baby's shirt: Rs. 199
Baby's Pant: Rs. 299
Diapers: Rs. 169

Your child's comfort : Priceless

There are somethings which money can't buy
For others there is master card

02 November, 2009

Ravi's Birthday Party

Yesterday, it was my husband's sister's better half's birthday. Though the cake got cut long time back, I managed to take a pic at this very moment.

Thier Dog Scooby left his Pedigreed (Dog Food) and was earnestly waiting as usual for some tit bits to come along his way.

Ravi's Earnings for the day

Not with an intention to offend any one, this is an ASHTRAY. Ravi's, 3 yr old son wanted to pee in this when he first set his eyes on the same.

The eye catcher on the table. Simply set the whole mood.

29 October, 2009

My pupu

Gaurav: partying out

Gaurav with Madhu Masi

Playing with mom

Beautiful Eyes

Living with the cold and dead

23 October, 2009

Dushera celebrations - 2009

This pic was taken during the Ashtami puja celebrations at Kali Bari. One has to wear new clothes, fast on that day, give anjali to Ma Durga and then eat.

it was party time for us

Vikash and Kalyan

Vikash, Tanya and Sasha

Sulekha and me

Judy, Sulekha and Kalyan

Priya and Me

Lots of ppl (don't really remember the names)

11 October, 2009

Gaurav - Naming ceremony

Me with Gaurav during his naming ceremony

Gaurav with his great grand mother

Gaurav with his baba's kaku and kakima

Gaurav with his Dadu and dadi

20 August, 2009

Hurray !!! Its a boy

Its a great pleasure to hold your creation, your son in your arms. Me and my husband are overjoyed and so are our respective families. He is my "potluck" since he was born amidst all the tensions in our life. Fought every thing to come to us, he is a born fighter and a sure winner all the way. Was born on 7th Aug , 3 days before my wedding anniversary. Love you sweetu so very much.


Escapism can only be transitory. One cannot eternally escape anything in life, but we still try to escape; only to make things nastier. Face the facts and something can be done about it. what we avoid does not go away from us. It gets uglier and then it revisits you making you think, "I should have... I could have... I must have...". Everything that was ever solved was because somebody was willing to face it the facts. It all starts with a courage to face the facts. In facing the facts you are looking at life square in the eye courageosly knowing very well that something can be done about it. Escapism is not for people like us. What must be faced, must be faced, sooner or later.

TT Ranga Rajan

Frozen Thoughts

28 July, 2009

My School

This is my school from where I did my Xth, XIth and XIIth standards. I love my school. I had great days out there. Lots of masti and fun. OMG what days!!! Nothing in this world can make my forget those days.

27 July, 2009

My Sis's birthday

Celebrated my sis's birthday on 25th July. I was there at my mom's house since morning. Enjoyed a lot.

10 July, 2009

How do I handle this?

My husband is definitely not perfect. But out of his many imperfections, there is one which is so adorable at times. My husband is very possesive about me (which I think any body shud be). Yesterday I was watching some was film starring George Clooney. I very casually mentioned that I find George Clooney very sexy. He is one actor who despite his age (he is 48 as on date) looks so damn hot that my tongue hangs out every time I see him. My husband after listening to my ode of love promptly changed the channel and said that this film is not very exciting.
Now, how do I handle this?

12 June, 2009

Chunmun - My new friend

it rained a few days back. hmm... precisely on 10th of this month. I took these snaps with this little birdie. Her name is Chunmun. The owner of the bird is a girl from our building and rescued the bird when she was just a baby. Its a baby sparrow. Sparrows are pretty rare in Hyderabad. but a nice little cutie.

09 June, 2009

God Bharai function

with my husband

waiting to start

my mother in law blessing me

guest of hounour

These pics are a few of them from the 7th month event. In India once an expecting mother is nearing the completion of her 7 months of pregnancy, there is a huge function wherein married ladies come and bless her. This is known as "God Bharai". Ladies bless the expectant mother with 5 diffrent types of fruits and also a gift (optional). They also remove nazar (evil eye) to protect her from all possible mishaps. A sumptuous meal is prepared and first the mother has to eat and only then can the rest of the family, friends and near an dear ones can start eating.
I got lots and lots of blessings as well as gifts. Lots of sarees actually. Love sarees a lot. My pallu of the sareee was filled with fruits and gifts; so much that I cudn't even get up. My husband was the official photographer of the event. Did his best to feel comforfortable among so many ladies. my fater in law and my husband were the only 2 men in the house. poor guys!!
Now its only 2 months left. but the most 2 important months. And then child caring begins OMG

02 June, 2009

Golden Words

"Relationships are always tricky ---- whether its with ur beau, BFF, or mom. The key to healthy relationships is to keep the basic rules in mind. Never take anyone u love for granted. Thats the most common and worst mistake. Give back, chip in and be thankful. "

My Mother (Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:00 PM) Via email

My Addiction

People ask me “what makes me feel sexy?” I have a very simple answer “it’s my husband who makes me feels sexy”. It’s neither clothes, nor lingerie, nor money, nor a gorgeous body nothing. It is he, who makes all the difference to me. He is my world. I always think about him. I always thought about him. And will always think about him. I am just 3 and 1/2 years old in the industry but have seen best of the best relationships go kaput.

People ask me how come I do not drink as in consume any liquor or do smoking or drugs. That is simple because I addicted to my husband. Loving him is an addiction to me. It started slowly but with time it has become an addiction, an obsession. I simply can’t do without him. I need him all the time during depression, during happiness, when I am alone or when I am with people. ALL THE TIME.

01 June, 2009

A piece of advice

Dating/Marriage has gone through many phases but nowadays its more of a time pass. Neither people value current relationships nor do they maintain the old ones. New bond create new relationships. After a while, then hell breaks loose most of the time. My mom keeps telling me stories and incidents from her own experience. And this is what I gathered. Simple piece of thought but I found it very useful.

Initially when you are going around with someone, you need to do a lot of proving. As in proving your capabilities, your loyalties, and your stability. But later on, you don’t need to prove anything but instead you need to sustain what you have proven. That’s the time when the real challenge begins. Otherwise don’t set expectations. Because reaching at the top is comparatively easy but staying isn’t. There’s is always someone to pull you down as and when people get the chance. Love in its initial stages is very colorful, with lots of frills and show and promises a lot. But as the bond solidifies this same love transforms itself into trust, compatibility. But many feel that love is dying, he doesn’t take me out, doesn’t give me gifts. It’s not a man’s endeavor any more; to keep the romance alive the woman also has to pitch in and sometimes take the lead. What I feel is without comparing you to his sister, mother or any other female in his life, you as a wife need to become indispensable over a period of time. That is what will make a marriage really successful you should be his pride with out giving competition or bad vibes to any of the existing relationships. You should be a good natured soul whom people can look up to and not look down upon.

30 May, 2009

Missed you Love so much

Last night was one night. I had gone to my parents' house. LAter on I wanted my husband to come and pick me up. but then instead he said it will be late for him to come. So he asked me " why dont you stay in your mom's home tonight?" I was overjoyed and agreed to it.

Later in the night, I was sleeping with my sis as usual. Was giving her my gyan as usual till 2 pm. after that both of us said goodnight and went off to sleep. But even then my bad luck continued. Sleep eluded me and I was tossing in the bed. Got up had a bath and again tried to sleep. Missed my husband like I dunno what. In these 10 months of being married, I am now so used to shouting at him to close the tv, cuddling upto him and then pushing him away in sleep. Later again when I start to miss him, I pull him back, hug him and sleep huddled.

Oh! what a night!!! I missed him sooooo much. I never thought I would miss him like this.

27 May, 2009

Totally disillusioned...I must say

All throught these years I have passed/met so many people in my life. Kind of known them either in-depth or even superficially. Always wanted to know a person, who is completely free from biases, non judgemental and a heart of pure gold. Whenever I have met a person, be it girl or a boy, initially seemed nice. But over a period of time when it came to testing times, they have simply dissolved away. They couldn’t take it and eventually I couldn’t take it that I have been betrayed. Every time I have believed in people in friendship in trust in mental tuning, I have been hurt in a terrible way. These things I just cannot forget. Because I gave my 100% to every one without pretending. Now I know it wasn’t a fault with me it was simply my bad luck to have landed with these many people who never deserved me, who will never understand what it is to be genuinely feeling someone’s pain.

My mom says there has to be mental tuning with the man whom you marry. Correct. But in my case I married a man who is poles apart from me, yet he is just and a true friend to everybody. My husband is one such man. In all these 8 years that I have known him, never once have I heard him uttering a bad word against anyone. And if he does, he always has a very solid reason for it. He is nice with words to even the guy who stole his ex-girlfriend (he jokingly took potshots though).

Till date I have never called anybody "a gem of a person". I was nayyyyyy I am so disillusioned. But now I feel tempted

25 May, 2009

Hsppy Birthday Sweetheart

My husband with all the cream on his face

With both his nephews, all set to cut
My Husband celebrated his 34th birthday on 21st May. sorry gota litle late. had a nice time. will post my pic with hubby a little later. wait and have patience. partied till 2 am. ok gotta go .
Chicken Biryani
Mutton curry
Prawns Curry
Butter Paneer
Cauliflower Curry
Dance and Music

Deccan Chargers - Winners all the way

After weeks of speculation and anxiety, finally the excitement is going to die down. Now that the Deccan chargers have won the IPL finals - 2. My husband has always been supporting the DC. But its only their win he changed his bike's key ring and has now a miniature cricket ball with the Deccan Chargers logo. Such a ....whatever

After Kolkata Knight Riders very (un)graciously bowed out of the tournament, I thought its better to support the Deccan Charger as I reside in Hyderabad. Good to see them win.

14 May, 2009

13th May 2009

Yesterday went to someone's daughter's engagement. its close to 44 degress out here and believe me its mad even in the evenings. Went with my MIL and FIL to nearby function hall. After reaching there we realised that there is no electricity in the whole lane. Stood there for some time before the generator arrivesd and saved the day ( or rather the evening) for us. Had lots of fun and lots of chicken. Well this is what I look being 6 months pregnant.