05 April, 2008

I Wish...

I wish I were a flower,
beautiful, simple yet complicated.

I wish I were a bird,
humming back and forth
the song of life.

I wish I were a drop of dew,
fresh and new

I wish I were the 1st drops of rain
Washing away the pain and disappointment of…

I wish I were a curled leaf,
fresh and ready to take on the world

I wish I were a cloud,
A cloud with a silver lining
Full of hopes and a better tomorrow

I wish I were a smile of
A new born child,
innocent and pure

I wish I were a 1st rays of sunshine
Bringing a new tomorrow;
Into the lives of people,
whom I love so much.
Please note: (This is original & not begged/ borrowed/stolen from anywhere)

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