14 April, 2008

fungi in abundance

These snaps are taken enroute to bubz’s home. This piece of rotten wood is lying around the corner. It has got white fungi like formations all over. This is classic case how life shows its presence even when we think everything is lost. This piece of log is definitely of no use (for us) but for these tiny mushrooms it’s a boon. They seem to have spread their kingdom everywhere and are still not satisfied. They are growing strong as ever.
In fact if you observe them closely, you will find that it looks like a semicircular frock like thing in all shapes and sizes. Even in that large log of house, they have made their own small apartments in the crevices. It feels very strange. You see life everywhere in abundance and various forms (chicks, grass, ants, insects, birds etc) and in total contrast you see a dead rotting log of wood with life thriving on it.

Nature is indeed very unique (in its own way).


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