18 November, 2008

Don't Worry... Be Happy

Sometimes when you want the best to happen in your life, everything just keeps going wrong. When you want to say something, but eventually say something which means something else. You try to plan your life in a certain way, but suddenly an error occurs (could be your own miscalculation or whatever), your entire life goes for a toss. Things that you have built up with so much of care, just comes down tumbling all at once. You are so annoyed with yourself, your life, your near and dear ones and everybody else. You feel life is so damn unfair to you and it has always ill treated you in so many ways that we would not even want to talk about. What does one do in these situations? Where does one go? What does one do? Whom should you talk to and whom should you avoid? Do you really can avoid people?
Avoid Negativity
Don’t let people who demoralize you, stay in your life. I don’t say throw them off, but maintain a distance; a distance enough to keep their thoughts away from you.
Let them say whatever they want about your present situation, listen to them, evaluate them but take your own decisions after considering the pros and cons

Have patience
Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances (Source: Wikipedia). Everything will be alright. Remember, every dark cloud has its own silver lining.

Improve yourself
Use this time to improve your skills or whatever you are lacking in. Learn something, keep yourself busy. Don’t just lie down thinking about yourself in a negative manner.

Believe in yourself
Always believe in yourself. There will be times when you will be questioned, but don’t worry and remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions and to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.

(This piece of writing is my own and original)

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