18 November, 2008

Don't Worry... Be Happy

Sometimes when you want the best to happen in your life, everything just keeps going wrong. When you want to say something, but eventually say something which means something else. You try to plan your life in a certain way, but suddenly an error occurs (could be your own miscalculation or whatever), your entire life goes for a toss. Things that you have built up with so much of care, just comes down tumbling all at once. You are so annoyed with yourself, your life, your near and dear ones and everybody else. You feel life is so damn unfair to you and it has always ill treated you in so many ways that we would not even want to talk about. What does one do in these situations? Where does one go? What does one do? Whom should you talk to and whom should you avoid? Do you really can avoid people?
Avoid Negativity
Don’t let people who demoralize you, stay in your life. I don’t say throw them off, but maintain a distance; a distance enough to keep their thoughts away from you.
Let them say whatever they want about your present situation, listen to them, evaluate them but take your own decisions after considering the pros and cons

Have patience
Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances (Source: Wikipedia). Everything will be alright. Remember, every dark cloud has its own silver lining.

Improve yourself
Use this time to improve your skills or whatever you are lacking in. Learn something, keep yourself busy. Don’t just lie down thinking about yourself in a negative manner.

Believe in yourself
Always believe in yourself. There will be times when you will be questioned, but don’t worry and remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions and to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.

(This piece of writing is my own and original)

14 November, 2008

The Broken Wing

I saw her
Trying to hold her hold.
A color among colors;
No... I think it was,
An angel in colors.

Lost in her world
Trying to find some nectar
In flowers, bright and new
washed in the morning dew.

she hopped from one to another
but went never too far
I wondered what was wrong!!!
But couldn’t make out at all.

This colorful angel could not fly,
No matter how hard she tried
She could not fly
For she had a broken wing
A beautiful wing,
a wing made up of yellow and orange stripes.

But alas a broken wing

(This is an original piece of thought. These lines are not begged, borrowed or stolen. I took this pic when I was going to my office. I was sitting in my office and typing whatever came to my mind. I would not call this a poem but a thought put into a few lines.)

12 November, 2008

Why does it rain?

This is small story which I heard from an old man while I was traveling in a bus from my college to my home. This story is about “why does it rain”.

“Once the sky was out, strolling in the gardens of his palace. Suddenly from a distance, he saw the earth. He was stunned to see the earth; so beautiful. It was colorful. It had the widest variety of colors spread across her. It was many shades of blue where the rivers flowed, shades of green where there were lush green gardens; warm shades of brown and many more. Sky fell in love with the earth. He wanted to come down to the earth and stay with her forever.

Gods grew worried. For if the sky was to descend on the ground, where would the birds fly and the sun and the moon and the stars shine?
There would be darkness all over and the earth would not be able to survive. There would be no life!!! Sky was unyielding and he told the Gods that his demand be met. Later he started pressurizing the Gods.

The Gods were terrified and went to their king for further consultation and suggestions. The king was a clever man and he devised a plan to avoid this situation of mass destruction completely. He asked the Gods to let the matter continue for some more time.

So the Gods requested the Sky not to come down on earth. But the Sky was adamant. And now he wanted to meet the king of Gods, at any cost. So the king of the gods said that they would be allowed to meet only once and that too during the time when there is no night and no day. If he did not succeed, he could never try again. The time to try out his dream was pre-dawn and post night. Sky was very happy and immediately agreed to this suggestion. The whole time, he kept waiting for the night to end. And when he was prepared for the biggest moment of his life, one of the gods took the form of a cock and spoke “cock a doodle doo”. The dawn had arrived. Sky’s most awaited dreams were shattered. He was a broken man now.

Since then whenever the sky comes out of his palace, he looks at the earth, he feels sad and lonely. Since he cannot come on to the ground, he feels miserable for his love and so he cries, cries and cries.

And we asses call it rain.”

11 November, 2008

What You See

If you look for good, you’ll find good.
If you look for bad, you’ll find bad.

In life, you always find what you look for.
Only thing that matters is - what you choose to see.

If You Think You Can...

If You Think You Can

If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think you dare not, you don’t;

If you want to win but think you can’t,

It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost;

For out of the world we find

Success begins with a fellow’s will;

It’s all in a state of mind.

Life’s battles don’t always go

to the stronger and faster man,

But sooner or later the man who wins

It the man who thinks he can.

07 November, 2008

What is Love?

Is it the feeling of being-in-sync with the other being?
Is it the desire for his /her overall well being?
Is it the feeling of responsibility for his/her protection?
Is it the guts to overcome anything and everything which comes in the way of love?
Is it the desire to be with him/her, even when the other person does not want it?

Luv is giving some one power to destroy YOU completely. but still trusting he/she WONT.....

01 November, 2008

Kumar Sanu Night

30th Oct 2008, was the night for enjoyment and merrymaking. We had amongst us the very famous Kumar Sanu and his troupe. They came to Hyderabad on the request of Kalibari Puja Assosiation along with Raktima and Annie. Kumar Sanu (born Kedarnath Bhattacharya) is a leading playback singer. They started the show around 9ish something at the Bhavan's Cricket ground in Sainikpuri.He started with Saanson ki zaroorat hai jaise amidst loud cheers and a thunderous applause. between songs, he was also telling small incidents which happened with him in the industry. he wore black trousers and a heavily sequinned shirt to go with it. He sang many of his hit numbers from saajan, HAHK, Humraaz, Ashiqui etc. I had fish curry and rice apart from chicken roll and fish pakora.

(have more to say, running out of time so will post later; the remaining part)