15 December, 2008

Ouch that hurts...

Are love games always so enjoying???????
Sometimes no!. Not when I am playing with my husband and "very playfully " I end up getting a box on my nose. My nose throbbed and it pained whenever I sneezed. And the worst part was my dear was absolutely unapolegetic about the whole incident and termed it as an accident.
Why are men so sensitive about cars, gadgets, football, bikes and insensitive about their wives?

05 December, 2008

Eternal Love: Cartoons

People say all sorts of things. But I still havent stopped watching "these". Well these , ladies and gentlemen are called cartoons. They say you are grown up watch some serious channel why cartoons? but I feel this is something which is 100% pure enjoyment.

I know its not at all real, but then its my own world. Here even if your favourite character falls from a 20 feet high building nothing happens to him. Here you can apply vanishing cream and be invisible, have a scientific lab of your own underneath your house and your parents would not even know of it, have weird animals come out of pokeballs, a small child can beat a man, 100 times his strenght, live in toy land, an becomes your neighbour and girls are born out of chemicals, emotion, love and an unknown element "X".
All through the day I watch them as in repeat telecasts and still do not feel bored. I simply love cartoons. I wish one day I would open my eyes and find all these characters living in my house.

04 December, 2008

Is there a better way to put that across???

But instead of snow (as snowfall does not happen here), students want something close by, of that nature.
Copyright Bill Waterson

01 December, 2008

Height of insensitivity

Mumbai, known for fashion, hi lifestyle, clubbing, celebrities and above all Bollywood (the Asian Hollywood). But All of us have, in the past week have definitely gone through the gruesome saga of blood and violence in Mumbai.

Now wait a second, I am not here to re-enact the whole episode, rub salt on those people's losses who have lost a precious someone nor am I going to lambast the government for having a laid back attitude (as always) or the security guys who probably goofed up the entire thing. But I am writing this to understand the depth of "human sensitivity erosion".

A very popular producer of bollywood went with state head and his family member to the blast site not for charity or false show of emotion but to see with his own eyes how actual dead bodies look like, how destruction presents itself in its many ways, how gruesome can death be, how blood get spattered all over the place when a bullet enters a human body. This producer; all he can think is how to show more hatred , more violence, make an hit movie and extract money .
Such a waste of human life and all those values that we teach our children.

Have people forgotten humanity or is this a new fantasy park for jerks like him. I means he is so insensitive that he has to personally visit the site and then doesn't have the guts to admit his doing. The state head, upon asking tells the media that since I was coming he also tagged along. Now how ridiculous can this get? Is he trying to fool the country or himself?

Hope to get my hopes fulfilled

Jaane kya dhoondta hai, ye mera dil
Tujhko kya chaahiye zindagi...

(I sincerely hope I knew what Life wanted from me or what I wanted from life)