31 July, 2008

Our Wedding Card

The Face of the Wedding card

Actual Invitation

Route Map to the Wedding Venue

My Wedding Invitation Email

This is the email invitation to all my orkut friends and friends not from orkut. I was searching for a beautiful message which conveyed all the feeling without sounding over-the-top. All that decoration work was my handiwork and I felt great about. I know one can do more but that’s what you can do when you have 5 minutes to leave the office and you are getting calls asking/requesting and finally scolding to send an email invitation.

22 July, 2008

Love beyond life

I don’t know which of them is male or female. But what I saw was that one of them was on the road and struggling to get those last few snatches of life. But alas, it failed.
And very immediately the other one came and sort of gave up its life.
A very small incident but very touching and it showed me a very natural example of true love.